Q: Can I join the facebook preset group to see more before and after's before I purchase anything?

A: No, we do A LOT of editing tutorials on how to apply and adjust presets in the group which creates added value. 

Q: Should I get Lightroom, Acr or Photoshop CC actions?

A: Honest answer? If you are asking us this question and do not know what software you use, then you might need to do more research or learning before purchasing.

Q: Why don't my images look exactly like the before and afters?

A: The answer is usually ALWAYS Lighting. If you have improperly lit an image, it likely will not look like the before and after images shown on this site. If you want to learn more about proper lighting, attend one of our workshops or mentorships. 

Q: Can I send you one of my images to test the presets on before i purchase?

A: While we used to do this, we found that it is best to put our time into those who have already purchased. And since do Guarantee our presets, we can always help you after purchase. ***OUR PROMISE TO YOU***: If you cannot get the presets to look right on your images after joining the Facebook Group where there are many tutorials,  we will have you send us 1-3 RAW files from your own work and WE WILL MAKE THE ADJUSTMENTS FOR YOU and send you the adjustments in a NEW customized preset to your work, along with a video of what might have been the issue. This is a ONE TIME offer and meant to teach you how to apply presets to your work. Hopefully, you won't need that and the videos in the group will work for you.